Ready Mix Plasters

Perlcon is one of the leading manufacturer, supplier, and dealer of high-quality ready mix plaster that is delivered to all the major cities and small towns of the country. Our ready-mix wall plasters can be used for several exterior and interior purposes. Since we manufacture our products under the supervision of expert professionals, we ensure you that our cement plaster will last you a lifetime and help you build your dream projects. Our premixed plaster is a suitable replacement for conventional sand cement plaster as it saves a lot of time and multiple handling at the site. We also offer a self-curing variant in our premix plaster. This ensures no curing to be done once the plaster is applied saving time and a lot of unnecessary water.

Our ready mix plaster can be applied using a particular wall plastering machine that many construction companies have in their possessions. Most people prefer to use ready-mix wall plasters because you only need to use a limited amount of water before applying. Unlike other plaster mixtures, you do not need to measure and mix all the different items, so using ready mix plaster is easier for DIY projects.

Our ready mix wall plaster also gives you a smoother and quality finish because of their high gradation mix; they can interlock particles easily and have high water-resisting qualities. In addition, since pre-mixed plaster does not have any impurities, you will hardly find fungus build-up when you use this wall plastering material.

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